Youth participants and parents will be provided a student handbook and a parent handbook prior to the start of our program. These handbooks provide detailed information about our program and may include more detailed or updated versions of the policies that are included below.
We expect participants and their parents will review these handbooks before our program begins and to keep them as a resource.
Participants and parents must sign required permission forms before participants are allowed to check in.
Jump to:
- Payment Policy
- Refund Policy
- Health & Safety Protocols
- Special Needs & Accommodations
- Housing Policies
- Transportation Policies
- First Aid, Medications & Emergencies
- Notification Procedures for Emergency Situations
- Guidelines for Parents or Guardians to Contact a Participant during this MIPA Program
- Limits to Confidentiality
- Media Work: Interviews, Images & Journalistic Work at Our Program
- Participant Code of Conduct
- Procedures for Responding to Behaviors that Violate Policies
- Online Learning & Safety Practices
- Information about MSU Policies Related to Title IX
- MSU Anti-Discrimination Policy
Payment Policy
A nonrefundable deposit of $50 is due at the time of registration to hold a spot in one of our classes. (This is applied toward the registration fee.) How to Pay Only the Deposit at Registration Any balance remaining should be paid by July 1, after which a late fee may be charged for unpaid registrations or those registrations may be cancelled. If you are registering on or after June 30, please pay the full fee at registration.
Registrations after June 15 include a $75 late registration fee.
All workshop fees must be paid before a participant is allowed to take part in our programming. If your school has said it will pay for part or all of the registration fee, please verify payment with your teacher and/or school office before the start of the program.
Participants who owe a balance may pay by cash, money order, cashier’s check or credit card. We reserve the right to decline personal checks after July 1. Payments by credit card can be made at
Bounced checks will be assessed a $30 service fee and the participant will be removed from registration until a credit card payment, money order or cashier’s check for the registration amount plus the service fee has been received.
Refund Policy
Full refunds of workshop fees, less the $50 nonrefundable deposit, will be made if we are notified of a cancellation by July 1. After July 1, refunds of 50% (less nonrefundable deposit) will be made if cancellations are received at least 24 hours prior to check-in. If for some reason you cannot come to the workshop, you may transfer your registration to another person.
There will be no refunds for no-shows or those who do not complete the program for any reason, including, but not limited to, any participant who is removed from our program for violating our rules.
If MIPA cancels a workshop course or switches to remote learning prior to the start of the program, participants will have the option to transfer to another course or to receive a full refund.
Health & Safety Protocols
Participants agree to follow MIPA and MSU health and safety protocols, which may change without notice in response to pandemic conditions.
MIPA strongly encourages all participants be vaccinated against COVID-19 and boosted with an FDA-approved or -authorized or WHO-approved vaccine. Learn more about the COVID-19 vaccine.
A parent, guardian or other authorized adult must be available to immediately pick up any participant with symptoms consistent with a communicable disease, or upon guidance from public health authorities. MIPA will take reasonable efforts to allow participants sent home due to illness to continue to participate in class sessions remotely.
Special Needs & Accommodations
MIPA and MSU are committed to providing equal opportunity for participation in all programs, services and activities. Accommodations for persons with disabilities may be requested by contacting Jeremy Steele, MIPA executive director, at 517-353-6761 or at least 10 business days prior to the start of our program so that we have time to make necessary arrangements. Requests received after this date will be honored whenever possible. More information about disability inclusion services at MSU can be found at
Housing Policies
- This is a residential program. Students will live on campus and have their meals in a dining hall.
- MIPA aims to provide safe and comfortable spaces for all participants to live and work during our summer workshop. Please contact the workshop office if you have any concerns.
- Participants will have at least one roommate. MIPA tries to honor roommate requests made prior to the roommate deadline. Participants who request each other as roommates usually are placed together. Most of the time, participants from the same school are placed in adjacent rooms. MIPA also considers the age of participants and their interests in making roommate assignments. Residence hall floors typically are divided by gender.
- Deadline to request a roommate: July 1
- Make your request on the registration form, or contact the MIPA office at or 517-353-6761.
Transportation Policies
- Parents/guardians are responsible for getting participants to our workshop and home again. For liability reasons and parking limitations, we prefer participants not have vehicles on campus.
- Participants who have no choice but to drive to get to the workshop must submit a parental permission slip, pay a parking fee and are required to turn in their keys to the workshop office for the duration of the program. Contact the MIPA office prior to coming to the workshop to make arrangements.
- MIPA provides limited transportation for participants to attend off-campus workshop activities or to visit the on-campus health facility, etc. Vehicles are operated by staff who have undergone a driving record check or by a professional bus driver.
- Youth participants should not be in a car at any time for the duration of our program without permission of a workshop director.
First Aid, Medications & Emergencies
- MIPA keeps a limited supply of personal hygiene and first aid supplies in our workshop office.
- Participants should report any preexisting medical conditions, including allergies, on the health form. Anyone with a life-threatening allergy or health issue should carry prescribed medications or devices (such as an epi-pen or asthma inhaler) with them at all times during the program.
- Administration of prescription medication is the responsibility of the participant. Workshop personnel will not administer or supervise administration of any medication. Refrigeration is available if required for routine medications. These must be presented at check in. Medications must be in original containers and labeled by the issuing pharmacy.
- MIPA staff members are not authorized to provide medical treatment. We can help make a determination of whether there is a life-threatening situation or a serious injury that requires medical attention and arrange for transportation.
- The on-campus Olin Health Center is open from 8 a.m.–5 p.m. weekdays for appointments. The services of the center are similar to those from a family physician. Please let workshop staff know if non-emergency care is needed so that we can help make arrangements to visit the campus health center or a local urgent care clinic.
- Participants who have a health emergency will be transported by ambulance to an area hospital, accompanied by a workshop staff member.
Notification Procedures for Emergency Situations
- In the instance of a medical or behavioral incident or emergency, program staff will contact the participant’s parent(s), guardian(s), or other emergency contact(s). Program staff will call all listed phone numbers on file until contact is made with at least one of the adults listed on the participant’s registration materials. If emergency responders need to make contact with the participant, program staff will make every reasonable attempt to notify parent(s), guardian(s), and/or other emergency contact(s) as immediately as possible.
- If program staff are unable to reach a parent, guardian, or emergency contact to consent for emergency care, the signed medical treatment authorization form gives program staff consent to proceed with necessary treatment. In medical emergencies, a staff member will contact local emergency responders, who will determine the best plan for treatment, and staff will continue to attempt to contact the parent/guardian.
Guidelines for Parents or Guardians to Contact a Participant during this MIPA Program
- Phones are not provided. Participants may wish to bring a cellphone, but be aware that neither MIPA nor MSU can be responsible for damage or theft.
- Please consult our program schedule for the best times to reach a youth participant. Cellphones should be turned off during class time, including evening sessions.
- In the instance that a parent, guardian or emergency contact listed on file as an approved adult needs to contact their youth participant, please contact the MIPA Workshop Office at 517-258-0551. We will find and get a message as needed to a participant. In the interest of safety for all participants, program staff will not be able to discuss information about a participant or facilitate contact with an individual who is not listed on file as an approved adult without written authorization from the participant’s authorized adult contacts.
Limits to Confidentiality
Participants and parents should be aware that MIPA staff and university employees, including workshop instructors, may not be able to maintain confidentiality when it conflicts with their responsibility to report certain issues to protect the health and safety of program participants, MSU community members and others. Essays, journals and other materials submitted to our instructors should not be considered confidential.
Workshop staff are required under Michigan State University policy and state law to report the following information to applicable university offices and/or law enforcement agencies:
- Suspected child abuse/neglect, even if this maltreatment happened in the past;
- Allegations of sexual assault or sexual harassment regardless of when or where an incident occurred; and
- Credible threats of harm to oneself or to others.
These reports may trigger contact from a campus or law enforcement official who will want to talk with the youth participant about the incident.
For additional resources, please visit
Participant Code of Conduct
- Participants must abide by all local laws, MIPA policies and university regulations.
- Program rules and expectations will be reviewed during an orientation for participants on the first day of our program. Our rules also are clearly outlined in the student handbook.
- Failure to follow the program rules may result in implementation of disciplinary action, which may mean removal from the program. If a participant is dismissed from the program, parents/guardians must pick up the participant immediately.
- MIPA reserves the right to take any reasonable actions necessary to address health or safety issues during our program.
Procedures for Responding to Behaviors that Violate Policies
- If a participant is involved with an incident that violates university and/or program policy, program staff will speak with everyone involved to gain understanding of what occurred and may contact listed parent(s), guardian(s), and/or other emergency contact(s) of both the participants responsible for the policy violation and the participants directly affected by the incident. In the instance that participants have violated university and program policies, program staff will connect with the appropriate MSU supervisors and/or authorities to determine the best course of action to resolve the situation, including whether the participant(s) responsible for the policy violation must be removed from the program.
- Depending on the seriousness of a violation, disciplinary action may include verbal warnings, detention, inability to participate in organized activities/programming and/or dismissal from the program. Participants who develop a pattern or history of violations may be dismissed from the program.
- MIPA personnel will immediately remove a participant from our program for any action that endangers the health or safety of the participant, other program participants, workshop staff or any other person. This includes, but is not limited to, violence of any kind, bullying, harassment and the violation of any university rule designed to protect health and safety.
- If it has been determined that a participant’s behavior violates university and/or program policies and requires early dismissal from the program, program staff will make contact with the participant’s approved adult contacts. The program fee will not be refunded.
- If a participant is attending the MIPA program as part of a school-sponsored activity (such as participating in school-sponsored student media), a letter to the media adviser or other school officials may follow any disciplinary action.
- If it is suspected that a crime may have occurred, program staff will immediately stop investigating, contact MSU Police, and follow the lead of MSU Police investigators. Should police or emergency response professionals need to make contact with a participant, program staff will make every reasonable attempt to notify the appropriate parent(s), guardian(s), and/or other emergency contact(s) as immediately as possible.
- If an allegation of inappropriate conduct including but not limited to abuse, neglect, assault, harassment, sexual assault, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, child pornography, furnishing alcohol, drugs, and/or sexual materials to a minor, and violations of the University’s anti-discrimination policy is made against an adult participating in a youth program, including program staff/volunteers, the accused adult will be removed from any further participation in MSU youth programs and activities covered by the MSU Operational Requirements for Conducting University Youth Programs until such allegation has been satisfactorily resolved. Adults may not retaliate against minors, families, parents, guardians, and staff/volunteers who report allegations of inappropriate conduct.
Online Learning & Safety Practices
Online Safety Information & Resources
While this is an in-person program, many of our instructors use online materials and participants will be working in computer labs or with their own computers. We encourage parents, guardians, and participants to educate themselves on safety and security tips when engaging in online learning activities. Below are some resources that may be helpful:
- Protecting Kids Online – Federal Trade Commission, Consumer Information: This website provides information about promoting safe and responsible decisions to help reduce online risks for children.
- Keeping Children Safe Online – The United States Department of Justice: This website provides tips for protecting children during online activities, informational videos for parents and children, and additional informational resources related to online child safety.
- Prevent Cyberbullying – This website provides information about preventing, identifying, and responding to cyberbullying.
Online Learning & Safety Rules
For any MIPA activities conducted online, including but not limited to via video conference:
- Participants should use a neutral background (blank wall, digital background, limited exposure of private spaces) for any live online sessions outside of the classroom
- The goal is to limit views of the home or other personal spaces in the interest of privacy and security.
- This also helps eliminate unintended distractions by activities in the background.
- Participants may not share inappropriate content through files, images, videos, chat, audio or other features of the digital instruction platform
- Participants may not screen shot or record other participants’ images, information or participation contributions during the program.
- Participants may not record interactions with other participants through online instruction platforms.
- MIPA may record online instructional activities for limited use within our program (for example, as a resource for program participants to review instructions or to view missed sessions). We will not record all instructional activities. Participants will be notified if a session is being recorded.
- When creating an online profile for the instruction platform or any other online account, limit the information that is shared.
- For example, just because the platform asks for your address does not mean that you have to provide your actual personal address.
- If a picture is required, the picture provided should be neutral and appropriate.
- Do not share personal information in the virtual meeting.
- Anyone receiving threatening or inappropriate chat messages should immediately report it to a trusted adult.
- In the interest of safety, do not share links, passwords, or other program login information with anyone outside of the program.
- Unauthorized access and disruptive behavior during video conference sessions is prohibited.
- Participants should have their cameras on whenever possible and be dressed appropriately for all live online instructional activities. Focus on the course meeting and reduce or eliminate outside distractions, including cellphones and social media. This shows respect for the instructor and for other participants. If you cannot have your camera on, please notify the instructor ahead of time.
- Participants should have a quiet place where they can engage in live online learning activities. While we do not require parents to be present if a participant is off-site from our program, we encourage parents to monitor online learning activities in a non-disruptive way.
Statement on unauthorized access and disruptive behavior during video conference sessions (ie, “Zoom bombing”)
- MSU prohibits “Zoom Bombing” and similar disruptive behaviors.
- Definition: “Zoom Bombing” is the act of accessing Zoom or other video conference sessions without authorization.
- Appropriate consequences, including but not limited to dismissal from the program may apply to anyone who:
- Violates program safety and security rules;
- Contributes to “Zoom Bombing” or other similar disruptions; and/or
- Shares program links, passwords or other program login information with individuals outside of the program.
Information About MSU Policies Related to Title IX
The MSU Anti-Discrimination Policy and Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Policy apply to all MSU students, employees, or third-party community members, including youth program participants.
Consistent with Title IX, MSU’s Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Policy and Anti-Discrimination Policy expressly prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex. The Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Policy provides a procedure for reporting and resolving complaints of sex discrimination (including sexual harassment and sexual assault), which applies to youth program participants.
What is Title IX?
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any education program or activity that receives federal funding.
Discrimination on the basis of sex includes:
- Excluding, separating, denying benefits to, or otherwise treating a person differently on the basis of sex
- Sexual harassment
- Sexual assault
MSU Title IX Coordinator
MSU’s Title IX Coordinator oversees the University’s compliance with Title IX, including its complaint procedures, and is available to meet with youth program participants about matters involving sex discrimination.
Laura Rugless, JD
Title IX Coordinator
Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance
4 Olds Hall
East Lansing, MI 48824
Phone: 517-884-0610
Reporting Procedures and Resources
All individuals are encouraged to promptly report possible violations of MSU’s Anti-Discrimination Policy and Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Policy to MSU’s Office of Institutional Equity (OIE), law enforcement, or both. OIE is responsible for receiving and processing complaints of sex discrimination (including sexual harassment, sexual assault and sexual violence), which may involve an investigation. If a person is unsure about reporting and would like assistance in understanding the options, they may contact a Confidential Resource. A list of these resources is available at A list of these resources specifically available for youth is available at
Report to the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) by completing the online Public Incident Reporting Form or by calling, emailing, or visiting the OIE office.
Address: 408 W. Circle Dr., Suite 5, Olds Hall, East Lansing, MI 48824
Phone: 517-353-3922
Online reporting: Public Incident Reporting Form
Contact the MSU Police and Public Safety (or your local law enforcement) for assistance in filing a criminal complaint and preserving physical evidence.
MSU Police Department
Address: 1120 Red Cedar Road, East Lansing, MI 48824
Emergencies: call 9-1-1
Non-Emergency Line: 517-355-2221
Anti-Discrimination Policy
MIPA strives to provide a safe and welcoming environment for all participants, staff and guests, who should be able to work, learn and live in an environment free of harassment. MIPA follows Michigan State University’s Anti-Discrimination Policy.
- The University Anti-Discrimination Policy (ADP) states expectations for institutional and individual conduct. A detailed description of the ADP can be found at
- The ADP User’s Manual provides further discussion of the definitions of behaviors prohibited by the ADP as well as the relationship between the First Amendment and complaints of harassment/discrimination; the ADP User’s Manual can be found at
- Protocol for addressing bias incidents, acts of prohibited discrimination/harassment and hate crimes can be found at
Media Work: Interviews, Images & Journalistic Work at Our Program
Participants’ rights and responsibilities related to their image and likeness are detailed in the Media Release Form parents or guardians (or the participant if age 18 or older) are asked to sign prior to the start of our program.
Our program focuses on journalism skills, and there may be circumstances in which participants are asked to be photographed, recorded and/or interviewed. We want to help you and your child understand these situations, which generally are voluntary. Journalists, MIPA staff and MSU staff normally honor requests that they refrain from including minors in their work, even when they may have a legal right to take photographs or record video (such as in public places).
If you have a concern related to this kind of media coverage, please contact the MIPA office so that we can explore solutions with you. We’re committed to protecting all participants as we encourage them to responsibly practice their First Amendment rights as young journalists.
Participants will practice journalism at our program and may become the subject of it
Please be aware that participants at our workshop will be practicing journalism and sometimes may become the subject of journalism by other participants or professional reporters who visit our program. That means program participants may be asked to be interviewed, photographed or videotaped for course assignments or as part of news coverage. It is a standard of journalism that people who appear in such news coverage are identified by name. This work may be published by MIPA in print or online, and could be published via platforms outside of our control (such as a school newspaper, social media, professional media, etc.).
MIPA does not penalize any participant who declines to be interviewed for such news coverage.
Areas where photography and recording generally are & are not allowed at our programs
Michigan State University prohibits the inappropriate use of cameras, imaging and other digital recording devices, including camera, imaging and other digital recording applications on smartphones and mobile devices, in showers, restrooms, locker rooms and other areas where privacy is expected by participants. Participants also should not record online sessions. Use of unauthorized recording devices should be reported immediately to MIPA staff.
Program staff, at their discretion, may allow photography and recording in quasi-public physical spaces such as classrooms, cafeterias, auditoriums, hallways, lounges and other interior spaces accessible by all of our participants. Neither MIPA nor MSU may prohibit anyone from taking photos or recording in public places on campus, including most outdoor campus spaces, as long as that person does not interfere with others’ peaceful enjoyment.
Online sessions may be recorded in limited situations, for official use by MIPA only and with the permission of MIPA’s workshop director or executive director. For example, MIPA might record a live instructional session to allow participants to view it later, or MIPA might record online sessions with guest speakers for distribution outside MIPA as part of our podcast series or other programs. Participants will be informed in advance if a session is to be recorded and how the recording may be used. Participation in any recorded session is voluntary.
Participants should seek out a MIPA program staff member if they ever feel uncomfortable or harassed by someone requesting to interview participants or using a media recording device or camera.