There are people who would like to help send you to our workshop … you just need to ask. We make it simple for you and your donor with our SponsorMe crowdfunding platform.
It’s free for students to use, and you might be able to get your entire registration fee funded just from donations!
Start by creating a campaign on the SponsorMe site. We’ll review your campaign and once it’s been approved, you can start promoting your fundraising effort.
Send an email, post on Facebook and Twitter, or even write an old-fashioned letter and put a stamp on it! You can write it yourself, or use our sample letter as a template. Just tell people to find your profile at https://sponsorme.mipamsu.org when you talk to them, and they can donate to your cause.
When they go there, they’ll choose the amount they want to add to your camp account. When it’s time to register for camp, the amount you earned will be deducted from your registration! Hopefully, that makes your total $0.00!
Whom should I ask?
You can ask anyone you think might be interested… which may be more people than you realize. Start with family members. You can send them a letter (a real one, with paper and a stamp and everything!), or you can send them an email with the above link. Consider asking for all or a portion of an upcoming gift to be put toward camp.
After contacting immediate family members, just think of this as a regular fundraiser. Instead of buying a subscription to some magazine they won’t read, they’re helping send you to camp. You’re not asking for $50 or $100 a pop here (though that would be awesome) – $10 from 20 different people would get you halfway funded!
Social media can be huge here. Put the link in a status update and a tweet. You may be surprised who steps up to help you out.
What do I say?
While you want to be as authentic as possible, we do have a generic letter that you could use just to get you started. Customize it so it reflects you and your style.