Ever wonder what it’s like to be “on the job” every day? Are you getting ready to pursue journalism and media in college? Take the next step in your journalism career and cover the MIPA Summer Journalism Workshop as an Upstart Fellow.
MIPA Upstart Fellows are recent high school graduates who report about the summer workshop, helping to run The Upstart multimedia news website and its affiliated social media channels. They also support MIPA’s Student Life team, who supervise youth attending the program.
Fellows work with MIPA coaches to develop their multimedia reporting through hands-on assignments. This fast-paced experience will provide Fellows the feel for daily publishing and is a great way to further build a journalism portfolio before starting college.
Submit Your ApplicationWho is Eligible?
Upstart Fellows must be at least 18 years old prior to the start of the workshop, have graduated high school, and have not yet started college full time. (High school graduates who have not yet reached age 18 by the start of our program may be considered if any Fellowship positions remain open.)
Applicants should have prior journalistic experience, which may include participation in a school-sponsored media program, work for professional media, participation in journalism workshops or other media training programs, or similar experiences.
Applicants must submit a letter of recommendation from their media teacher or another person who can speak to their journalistic skills.
Individuals who have already completed their first year of college may be interested in our Ambassador program. MIPA Ambassadors are paid staff members who help provide supervision of our youth participants from the dorms to classrooms. Learn more.
Program Expectations
Fellows will:
- work collaboratively with people who offer a range of ideas, experiences and perspectives.
- be in residence during the MIPA Summer Journalism Workshop from approximately 11 a.m. Sunday morning through 3 p.m. Thursday afternoon during the week of the program. Times are subject to change. Ambassadors and Upstart Fellows are invited to stay Saturday night on campus to help prepare for the arrival of youth participants.
- participate in at least one pre-workshop meeting via video conference or telephone.
- complete a MIPA-provided online youth safety training program prior to arriving at the workshop.
- provide their own transportation to and from Michigan State University.
- assist MIPA’s Student Life team to provide overnight supervision of youth attending our program. This will include assisting with bed checks and other duties as needed.
- be assigned to room with another Fellow at the summer workshop. Fellows may not room with youth minors participating in our program.
- abide by all rules and policies for workshop staff and volunteers.
- successfully complete a background check conducted by Michigan State University human resources.
MIPA will provide:
- meals in a campus cafeteria and lodging in a residence hall from lunch Sunday through lunch Thursday.
- campus parking. (Designated parking lots likely will not be adjacent to our residence hall.)
- essential materials, equipment and facilities necessary to create and publish content for The Upstart (Computers, etc.). Fellows may elect to supplement MIPA supplies with their own equipment.
- guidance and expertise to assist in journalistic coverage of the workshop.
To Apply
Prepare the following materials to submit via the online application form:
- A personal statement of no more than 500 words that details your interest in this fellowship and your future aspirations.
- A resume showing your media experience and work history. (PDF only)
- Three examples of your journalistic work.
- Include a brief explanation (150-200 words) about what makes each a great example of your work. (Why are you proud of this work?) Include information about when each example was created, for what publication/program/class/etc. it was created, any awards or honors won, and the date of publication or broadcast (if applicable).
- Work examples may be submitted as links to content hosted online or as PDFs.
- A letter of recommendation from your media adviser or another adult who can speak to your journalistic work.
- PDF required. You can scan a paper letter into a PDF using the free Adobe Scan app or the iPhone Notes app.)
- The letter of recommendation MUST be uploaded with your application. We will not accept letters sent separately to MIPA.
- The MSU background check authorization form. (This is an online form you will be asked to complete when you submit the above materials.)
Fast-Track Applications
Applicants who also applied for MIPA’s Student Journalist Staff competition may complete an abbreviated fellowship application as long as their Student Journalist Staff portfolio remains available online. Eligible fast-track applicants need only submit:
- a personal statement of no more than 500 words that details your interest in this fellowship and your future aspirations.
- The MSU background check authorization form. (This is an online form you will be asked to complete when you submit the above materials.)
The Student Journalist Staff application fulfills all other requirements.
Application Deadline
We will begin reviewing applications May 1 and will continue until all fellowship positions are filled.
Background Check
MIPA requires all adults 18 and older affiliated with our program to pass a criminal background check annually to comply with university requirements for campus youth programs. All fellowship applicants must successfully complete this check before they will be considered.
The following types of convictions will normally render an individual ineligible to work or volunteer at a University youth program:
- Drug distribution activity or felony drug possession
- Sexual offenses
- Crimes of violence involving physical injury to another person
- Child abuse, molestation or other crimes involving child endangerment
- Murder
- Kidnapping
- Any other felony or crime involving moral turpitude
- Individuals who have unsupervised access to minors at a youth program may generally not be listed on any sex offender registry.
Individuals who do not have satisfactory criminal background check results will be provided with an opportunity to explain the results and give clarifying information to Human Resources before a final decision regarding eligibility is made.
Special Needs & Accommodations
MIPA and MSU are committed to providing equal opportunity for participation in all programs, services and activities. Accommodations for persons with disabilities may be requested by contacting Jeremy Steele, MIPA Executive Director, at 517-353-6761 or jws@mipamsu.org, at least 10 business days prior to the start of our program so that we have time to make necessary arrangements. Requests received after this date will be honored whenever possible. More information about disability inclusion services at MSU can be found at https://www.rcpd.msu.edu/services/accommodations.