The Michigan Interscholastic Press Association today announced the winners of the 2017 MIPA Two-Week Film Challenge.
Students were given two weeks to create a fictional or documentary short film no longer than 5 minutes that fits the theme “Changing colors.” Films had to include a clock and a character had to say, “I think I have made a mistake.”
Entries were judged by a panel of MIPA member advisers.
First Place
Brian Farstvedt, Josh Johr, Brandon Morrow & Micah Williams
Lake Orion HS
Second Place
Tommy Thams, Kristina Rogers, Joelle Reich & Max Rionda
Grosse Pointe South HS
Third Place
The Light and the Dark
Enrique Fonseca & Rachel Nau
Northwest HS
Honorable Mention
The Peacemaker
Jonathan Charron, Ryan Poe, Jacob Bommarito & Christian Fasbender
Hamilton HS
Honorable Mention
John Balian
Lake Orion HS
Honorable Mention
Cassie Atkinson
Lapeer Education & Technology Center
Honorable Mention
Terrance Melody
Emily Hughes
Quincy HS