School-sponsored media programs affiliated with MIPA may create SponsorMe fundraising campaigns to help pay for costs associated with participating in MIPA programs or attending MIPA activities. All funds raised are paid directly to the Michigan Interscholastic Press Association, which is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. SponsorMe campaigns for media programs must be requested by the adviser.
MIPA holds these funds to be used by the designated media program toward MIPA activities during the school year. These activities include, but not limited to, event registration fees, contest fees, honor cords, membership fees and other MIPA activities.
Individual Students: Learn how you can create your own SponsorMe campaign to raise money toward your MIPA Summer Journalism Workshop registration
Unspent funds may be held over to be used in future years as long as the school-sponsored media program 1) remains active as a class or extracurricular club and 2) remains a member of MIPA. MIPA reserves the right to use funds raised via SponsorMe on any purpose consistent with its mission if a media program is unable to maintain these requirements.
The adviser of a media program may designate on which MIPA activities raised funds are spent. Funds raised via SponsorMe must be spent on MIPA activities; funds may not be spent on any goods, services or activities outside of MIPA. MIPA reserves the right to apply SponsorMe funds toward any bill left unpaid by the media program at the end of the fiscal year.
Launch your program’s MIPA fundraising campaign by creating an account on the SponsorMe website and following these instructions.