MIPA’s executive board sets policy and the direction of the organization. The board includes elected officers (president, first vice president, second vice president, secretary, treasurer, four trustees and the immediate past president), and chairpersons of standing media committees (Newspaper, Yearbook, Video and Digital Media).
All officers are elected by the membership for two-year terms. The immediate past president serves a one-year term following the end of his or her two-year term as president. Committee chairs are appointed by MIPA’s president, with approval by the board.
Elected Officers

Cody Harrell
I love talking curriculum, best practices, and planning out long-term goals for the program you want to build in your school culture. In my four years at East Lansing, I have seen a total shift in culture for journalism’s sake — and it’s all because of MIPA.
School: East Lansing HS
I Advise: Newspaper & Yearbook
Term Expires: 2026

Cammie Hall
Cammie Hall advises the Update newspaper and website, The Charger yearbook and Bolt Media broadcast program at H. H. Dow High School in Midland. She has served as a MIPA contest judge and summer workshop instructor. In 2023, she was honored with MIPA’s Golden Pen Award.
School: H. H. Dow HS
I Advise: Broadcast, Newspaper & Yearbook
Term Expires: 2025

Kaitlin Edgerton
Trustee & JEA Michigan State Director
Kaitlin Edgerton advises The Tower and The Tower Pulse.
School: Grosse Pointe South High School
I Advise: Newspaper & Digital Media Term Expires: 2026
About the JEA State Director: The national Journalism Education Association appoints state directors to promote scholastic journalism issues and to help members access JEA membership and materials. The Michigan JEA Director serves is an advisory position to MIPA’s Executive Board and is invited to all board meetings. You can become a member of JEA via MIPA.

Jim Woerhle
First Vice President
Jim Woerhle advises the Focus newspaper at Midland High School. He’s been a summer workshop instructor since 2004 and is a frequent conference speaker and contest judge. He worked as a newspaper reporter from 1991-2000, primarily covering sports.
School: Midland HS
I Advise: Newspaper
Term Expires: 2026
The first vice president automatically becomes president at the expiration of this term.

Darcy Hassing
Darcy Hassing has advised The Log yearbook at Lakeview High School in Battle Creek since 2021. She also teaches English.
School: Battle Creek Lakeview HS
I Advise: Yearbook
Term Expires: 2025

Nieko Ianni
Nieko Ianni advises the Spectrum newspaper at Detroit Catholic Central High School in Novi, where he also directs the spring drama production and was an assistant wrestling coach for about 10 years.
School: Detroit Catholic Central HS
I Advise: Newspaper
Term Expires: 2025

Sarah Ashman
Second Vice President
Sarah Ashman advises the Ramparts newspaper at Holt High School, where she also teaches media literacy.
School: Holt HS
I Advise: Newspaper
Term Expires: 2025

Alexis Campion
Alexis Campion advises The Generator newspaper and The Executive yearbook at Henry Ford II High School in Sterling Heights. She’s been a “MIPA kid” since 2001, attending camps, workshops and conferences as a student, volunteer, contest judge, instructor and presenter.
School: Henry Ford II HS
I Advise: Newspaper & Yearbook
Term Expires: 2025

Jason Westra-Hall
Jason Westra-Hall advises The Ledge yearbook at Grand Ledge High School. He has also served as representative at large for the Michigan Council of Teachers of English.
School: Grand Ledge HS
I Advise: Yearbook
Term Expires: 2026

Christina Hammitt
Past President
Christina Hammitt has advised newspaper and yearbook at several schools in Michigan.
School: Cranbrook Kingswood Boys Middle School
I Advise: Newspaper
Term Expires: 2025
Media Standing Committee Chairs
The Media Chairs assist staff in coordinating MIPA contests and programming for members. They are appointed by MIPA’s president, with approval by the Executive Board, to serve consecutively with the president’s two-year term.

Randy Scott
Broadcast/Video Chair
Randy Scott advised DTV at Davison High School.
School: Davison HS
I Advise: Broadcast Video
Appointment Expires: 2026

C.E. Sikkenga
Newspaper Chair
A Michigan State University graduate, C.E. Sikkenga has taught at Grand Haven High School since 1992, where he has advised The Bucs’ Blade newspaper since 2000. He served as MIPA president from 2010-2012 and currently serves as the newspaper chair. C.E. has taught at the MIPA summer workshop since 2005.
School: Grand Haven HS
I Advise: Newspaper
Appointment Expires: 2026

Kate McCallum
Digital Media Chair
Kate McCallum advises the broadcast, magazine, website and podcast programs at South Lyon East High School. She has been a MIPA camp volunteer, conference speaker and contest judge.
School: South Lyon East HS
I Advise: Broadcast, Digital Media, & Newspaper
Appointment Expires: 2026
Stephanie Orth
Yearbook Chair
Stephanie Orth advises the Dragon yearbook at Lake Orion High School.
School: Lake Orion HS
I Advise: Yearbook
Appointment Expires: 2026