A new school year means it's time to renew your MIPA membership

‘A Better Press for a Better World’ Webinar Series: April 22, 2020

Online Webinar - MIPA will send you a separate email about how to access this webinar

Explore the world of media with the Michigan Interscholastic Press Association's "A Better Press for a Better World" webinar series. You'll learn directly from professional journalists and others in the media industry during our weekly online program.


A Better Press for a Better World Webinar Series: Getting Your Start in Broadcast News

Online Webinar - MIPA will send you a separate email about how to access this webinar

Explore the world of media with the Michigan Interscholastic Press Association's "A Better Press for a Better World" webinar series. You'll learn directly from professional journalists and others in the media industry during our weekly online program.


A Better Press for a Better World Webinar Series: Covering a Beat

Online Webinar - MIPA will send you a separate email about how to access this webinar

Explore the world of media with the Michigan Interscholastic Press Association's "A Better Press for a Better World" webinar series. You'll learn directly from professional journalists and others in the media industry during our weekly online program.


A Better Press for a Better World: Reporting Big Stories

Online Webinar - MIPA will send you a separate email about how to access this webinar

Explore the world of media with the Michigan Interscholastic Press Association's "A Better Press for a Better World" webinar series. You'll learn directly from professional journalists and others in the media industry during our weekly online program.


A Better Press for a Better World: Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier

Online Webinar - MIPA will send you a separate email about how to access this webinar

Explore the world of media with the Michigan Interscholastic Press Association's "A Better Press for a Better World" webinar series. You'll learn directly from professional journalists and others in the media industry during our weekly online program.
