You can help support student journalism in Michigan by making a donation to MIPA. Through our workshops, contests and other programs, MIPA supports student journalists and journalism teachers throughout the state.
In addition to these activities, MIPA provides scholarships to help middle and high school students attend our five-day summer journalism workshop at Michigan State University.
The Michigan Interscholastic Press Association is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Most donations are tax deductible to the full extent provided by law. Please consult your tax adviser.
Are you looking to make a pledge to support a specific student to attend the Summer Workshop? Click here for the Sponsor Me pledge system.
Donate by Mail
Download our giving form. Make checks payable to MIPA and send to:
Michigan Interscholastic Press Association
MSU School of Journalism
404 Wilson Road, Room 305
East Lansing, MI 48824
Donate Online by Credit Card
Select a program area to support with your gift.
Gift to the SPJ Youth Journalist Scholarship Fund
Gift to the Friends of Remington Summer Workshop Scholarship Fund
Contribution to the MIPA Fall Conference Student Support Fund
Sponsor a Student Media Program
Gift to Detroit High School Journalism Program
Gift to MIPA’s Summer Workshop Broadcast Scholarship Fund
Gift to the Jeff Nardone Scholarship Fund
Unrestricted Gift to MIPA