Michigan Interscholastic Press Association
The Official Michigan Interscholastic Press Association Site
Media Advisers: Come visit your students at the MIPA Summer Journalism Workshop! Each year, MIPA invites advisers to visit on the Tuesday of workshop week. You’ll get to have lunch with your students, visit their classes and check on their progress. Adviser Day Schedule | Background Check Authorization Form | Other Adviser Resources
MIPA will provide you with a lunch ticket and a parking pass for the day. We will email you more information about Adviser Day the week before our event. Because of university rules, your students may not leave campus during the workshop.
Michigan State University rules require all employees, volunteers, contractors and other adults who have contact with minors at a campus youth program pass a criminal background check within 12 months of the program. All Adviser Day visitors must complete and submit the background check authorization form at least one week in advance. Learn more about this policy here.
Deadline to register for Adviser Day: July 18
Learn More About the MIPA Summer Journalism Workshop Policies
Start your day with a quick meeting with our staff, then stay as long as you’d like!
MIPA is committed to providing equal opportunity for participation in all programs, services and activities. Accommodations for persons with disabilities may be requested by contacting Jeremy Steele, MIPA executive director, at 517-353-6761 or ask@mipamsu.org at least 10 business days prior to the start of our program so that we have time to make necessary arrangements. Requests received after this date will be honored whenever possible.